Monday, 18 June 2007

What do you have to say about SEZ's and land encroachment


Nandigram has stirred a lot of people to start thinking. If you have any views or opinions on the specific incident, or on SEZ's in general, or on land acquisition/encroachment for any other reason like dams (Narmada), then please do share your thoughts with me by replying to this post. I'm all ears!!!


Sunday, 3 June 2007

Should we have a unified Asian Currency

Hi guys

I have been inspired by a friend to think about th question that should we have a unified Asian Currency....or more likely could we have one....just like in Europe.
What would be the possibilities and the hindrances? What would be the merits and demerits?

If any of you have given this a thought, or feel you could think about it, then please share your views with mine, by replying to this blog.